Monday, May 19, 2008

28 Weeks Later (2007)

I wish I had seen this one in the theater because I think it blows the first one away, which I liked but thought was a bit overrated. 28 Weeks has great action, great effects, at least one unnecessarily gruesome murder, and is a perfect allegory for the way "coalition" forces sometimes (or usually?) handle things in Iraq. By the way, if there's a third one please let it be named something besides 28 Months Later or 28 Years Earlier.


  1. I liked 28 Weeks Later, but I definitely liked 28 Days Later better. I think it is just because I am a Danny Boyle fan. If he had directed 28 Weeks Later I would have liked it a lot more probably.

  2. I'm a Danny Boyle fan too. Trainspotting is brilliant and the more recent Millions was really heartwarming. I just didn't think 28 Days had any real surprises. It was just a decent high-budget zombie movie where the zombies run really fast for a change. I was more into the story in 28 Weeks.

  3. I'll check out 28 Weeks. I thought Days was fantastic. With horror movies, I'm just happy if they're well executed.

  4. I think that's why I liked Iron Man so much. Because I was so happy that it didn't suck like SM3 did. A lot of people liked Days more, but I think Weeks is a little tighter, although maybe less hip without Cillian Murphy.
