Friday, May 30, 2008

Sunshine (2007)

It was really about time somebody made a movie about a mission to the Sun. My 4th grade teacher once told us that a NASA scientist had suggested one, and when his colleagues laughed at him he said "no, no, we'll go at night!" That's basically what happens in Sunshine, only it's not night but a period of solar winter, and not because it's set 5 billion years in the future, but because some meddling theoretical particle or field of some kind has been messing with the Sun. There are some really beautiful scenes in this movie and I was really into it for most of it, but it more or less devolves into Armageddon by the end. It doesn't spoil anything to tell you that yes, they succeed in the end and there is at least one scene of someone bravely sacrificing themselves for the future of mankind. And that's fine, but for some reason in the middle of this I decided that I really wanted them to fail. For once I'd like to see a big budget movie about the dangerous mission to save humankind that doesn't succeed. They miss the target, everyone dies, Earth is screwed. Now that would be an ending.


David said...

Haha, nice. An ending where they fail would have been great. I really liked Sunshine though. I liked how it mixed sci-fi and horror there at the end and I don't know why, but the music and visual effects just struck a cord with me that made me absolutely love the film. After I watched this I was a complete fan of Danny Boyle.

scituate said...

I wanted to like it a lot more but I think that for all its uniqueness it just ended up standard Hollywood-style in the end, when it could've done something completely different. I'm not saying they had to fail for it to be a good movie, but I just don't care that the human race survives. Sure, I care about my family and my friends, but I don't think it will be a loss to the planet or the solar system if we die out. So I especially don't care if a fictional human race survives. As a side note: a lot of people online are complaining that it ripped-off Event Horizon, which I didn't see.

David said...

It was very similar to Event Horizon which is one of the things I loved about it because I loved Event Horizon. Maybe it was that part of me that wanted more Even Horizon which made Sunshine so good. I think the musical score in Sunshine was amazing though. You should definitely see Event Horizon when you get a chance.

scituate said...

Just queued it up on Neflix.